木玉阁红木家具拥有一流的木材烘干设备和技术团队以及大型的红木家具厂,本工厂所生产的红木家具全采用纯正红木,主要生产印尼黑酸枝(阔叶黄檀)、缅甸花梨(大果紫檀)家具。在传承借鉴明清古典家具独特工艺的基础上融入鬼斧神工的木雕精髓,形成既有传统韵味,又有独特风格的家具款式.经现代低温烘干设备处理,采用传统榫卯结构精雕细琢,款式新颖、高贵典雅、手工雕刻,传承中国古典家具文化,体现中国明清家具精 粹。
Muyuge Redwood Furniture Company has first-class wood drying equipment and technical team as well as the largest mahogany furniture factory. All the mahogany furniture produced by this factory is pure mahogany. The company mainly produces Indonesian Branch of Black Acid (broadleaf sandalwood) and Burmese Rosewood (big fruit sandalwood) furniture. On the basis of inheriting and drawing lessons from the unique craftsmanship of Ming and Qing Dynasties classical furniture, the wood carving essence of ghosts, axes and magic craftsmanship is integrated to form a furniture style with both traditional charm and unique style. It embodies the essence of Ming and Qing furniture in China.